Read about a special session for our Spanish Colleagues held in July 2017
“Hoy, más que nunca, los alumnos necesitan: hacerse interiores, aprender a ser autores de su propia vida, con un eje personal que los sostenga y los unifique como seres valiosos, únicos, irrepetibles, con unas metas claras y elevadas que los motiven y trasciendan, para llegar a ser lo que están llamados a ser”.
“Nowadays, more than ever, students need to develop their capacity for prayer and reflection, to learn to be the authors of their own lives, with a personal guiding principle to sustain them and to be a focus which will channel their gifts, enabling them to be people who are courageous, unique, irreplaceable, and with goals that are both clear and ambitious. These can then motivate them and take them beyond what they thought to be their limits, enabling them to become what they are being called to become”.
Sta Magdalena Sofía Barat , 1830