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"Musings" by Sr Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ

General Chapter 2016


The 2016 General Chapter of the Society of the Sacred Heart  will took place from 7th July to 10th August 2016 near Rome. RSCJ gathered from all over the world. During their time together they reflected on their mission for the next 8 years and elected their new Superior General, Sr Barbara Dawson from the USC province. Read part of her closing conference...

Mater Admirabilis


In 1844 a young French woman called Pauline Perdreau, preparing to be a sister of the Sacred Heart, painted a fresco of the young Mary on a wall in the monastery of Trinita dei Monti at the top of the Spanish Steps in Rome, where the sisters lived and had a school (from1828). One story says it took Pauline 13 hours to complete the image, but the reaction of the sisters was disappointing for her. The colours were thought to be too bright and unusual. The fresco was hidden for a while. When the image was revealed again, the reaction was much more favourable. At first it was known as “The Madonna of the Lily”. However two years later on 20th October 1846 Pope Pius IX was visiting and on seeing the fresco exclaimed, “She is truly Mater Admirabilis!” (Mother, most Admirable) The picture has had that title ever since.  Mater Admirabilis became the Patroness of Sacred Heart Schools all over the world and an image of the fresco is to be found in almost every Sacred Heart institution.

Sacred Heart Spirituality is...


…devoted to the heart of Jesus


…contemplating the depths of God, open to the reality of our world


…discovering and making known the love of God

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