Upcoming Events
Conference: European Sacred Heart Educators
10.10.18 - 13.10.18
Une rencontre avec Madeleine Sophie in Joigny
See below for events around Philippine's Bicentenary
June 30- July 13 2018

News of the next Faces of the Heart July 2018
This is an invitation to Faces of the Heart, an International Youth Assembly which will take place in Nantes (France) between June 30 and July 13, 2018. Download the flyer and a presentation
In 2016, a handful of passionate educators initiated and successfully led Faces of the Heart, an International Gathering of Sacred Heart students hosted by La Perverie, in Nantes (France). The enthusiasm generated by this first experience inspired the team to start over and grow the project to new dimensions in 2018. The theme suggested for the next summer’s Youth Assembly is: Education for a Better World.
We hope that your school will be able and willing to nominate ambassadors who can participate in Faces of the Heart 2018. Please help us identify 1-2 students in your school who distinguish themselves as true children of the Sacred Heart and will be able to participate. The full letter can be downloaded here.

European Headteachers' Conference October 2017
75 delegates have just returned home from the wonderful "Encuentro Europeo de Directores de Colegios de Sagrado Corazon" in Placeres, Spain from 5th - 8th October 2017. We plan to post or upload much of the material used at the conference. There will be emails to let you know when this is ready. Our hosts at Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, Placeres, Pontevedra welcomed us so warmly and generously. Many people were involved in looking after our every need. Thanks to them, their headteacher Ma Jose Martinez, the Spanish Network and Javier, who coordinated it all. Pedro Landin, from the school, compiled this montage of photos. Take a look! Muchisimas gracias a todos!

Educar La Interiordad Developing Interiority
Read about a special session for our Spanish Colleagues held in July 2017
“Hoy, más que nunca, los alumnos necesitan: hacerse interiores, aprender a ser autores de su propia vida, con un eje personal que los sostenga y los unifique como seres valiosos, únicos, irrepetibles, con unas metas claras y elevadas que los motiven y trasciendan, para llegar a ser lo que están llamados a ser”.
“Nowadays, more than ever, students need to develop their capacity for prayer and reflection, to learn to be the authors of their own lives, with a personal guiding principle to sustain them and to be a focus which will channel their gifts, enabling them to be people who are courageous, unique, irreplaceable, and with goals that are both clear and ambitious. These can then motivate them and take them beyond what they thought to be their limits, enabling them to become what they are being called to become”.
Sta Magdalena Sofía Barat , 1830

The Barat Award Winner 2016: Mr Reinhard Hallwirth
Le Prix Barat was created by the European Association of Alumnae and Alumni of the Sacred Heart to honour the commitment putting the values of our foundress Madeleine Sophie Barat into practice in either the educational or social spheres....
Mr Reinhard Hallwirth with Sr Hanni RSCJ, representing the provincial of the Central European Province, and Dr. Dossenbach, the President of the Austrian Association of Alumnae and Alumni
Der “Prix Barat” wurde von der Europäischen Vereinigung der Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Sacré Coeur gestiftet, um Engagement zu ehren, durch das die Werte unserer Gründerin Madeleine Sophie Barat heute in die Praxis umgesetzt werden....

Flat Philippine arrives in back in Europe
The Feast of the Sacred Heart this year marked the beginning of the bicentennial celebrations of St Philippine Duchesne's arrival in the USA, having crossed the Atlantic in the "Rebecca". To help celebrate, Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School in St Louis, Missouri, USA, are sending Philippine on a new voyage to schools around the world. Inspired by the Flat Stanley literacy project, they are mailing a “Flat Philippine” to share with other students. She has been travelling been travelling back to Europe!! Here she is following the footsteps of Janet Stuart in Roehampton. To find out more follow this link
Then see last item below for more about Philippine

News of the International Camp: Faces of the Heart
A group of Sacred Heart Educators from the USA and France organised this wonderful Camp from 3-17 July 2016 in La Perverie, Sacré Coeur, in Nantes, France.
In this article which you can download, Sabine du Vignaux, exchange coordinator at La Perverie and one of the organisers, gives a vivid account of all the preparations and the Camp itself. There are lots of great photos too.
Read the article!
Activities included: project days- with workshops and reflection, and field days, when they explored Nantes and the region. They also travelled to Joigny, Saint Madeleine Sophie’s home, and to Paris, where they explored places related to our Sacred Heart history.
Faces of the Heart 2016
See more photos and stories from the Camp on Facebook, as well as news from participants after the event. See more about the host school at:

A Tout Coeur!
The nine French institutions of the Sacred Heart with the two institutions from Belgium gathered in May 2015 at Sophie Barat School in Chatenay-Malabry near Paris. This event, called “Atout Cœur”, brought together four hundred pupils with their teachers, celebrating the benefits of being part of the Sacred Heart Network. Here is a leaflet from the day.

Joigny & Paris 2016 and 2017
Our second group for 2016 returned from their session in Joigny in October. Many spoke again of the ambiance, the sense of solidarity, the conviviality, the opportunity to reflect and exchange, the warm welcome from the RSCJ, but most of all about encountering Madeleine Sophie in her own rooms and the feeling of being at the “source”. We had another group here in November 2017. One delegate wrote: "I do not have enough words of gratitude for all I have lived and felt. For me these days have been a gift and I feel very fortunate to be able to share this experience with all of you."
Follow this link for more information.
The next Joigny session, Une rencontre avec Madeleine Sophie, for European Sacred Heart Educators will take place from Wednesday 10th to Saturday 13th November 2018. If you are interested in attending please talk to your head teacher. Applications go through the Network Coordinators.

Conclusions and Proposals from Mexico 2015
The report from the Fifth International Conference for Heads of Schools of the Society of Sacred Heart which took place at the Sacred Heart School in México City, in October 2015, is now available. The theme of the Conference was
“Given the complexity of the world, an inner journey.” Our discussions centred on what aids and hinders spiritual development in our young people in the 21st Century. A committee from the Conference has now issued a document outlining some guidelines that would be helpful for schools.

Bicentennial Celebrations for St Philippine 2018 Update
The first major event in the USA for the Bicentennial Celebrations of St Philippine's arrival took place in St Louis in July 2018. It was a Spirituality Forum with delegates from across the world. Read more (including the presentations in French and Spanish too) hereThere will be events in the USA and France. An International Day of Action is planned for September 15th 2018. Click here for more details of her life and the celebrations on the USC site and here for events, prayers and pilgrimages organised by BFN Province